Monday, June 18, 2007

More Nutella love....

Ok, seriously, my love for Nutella knows no bounds. It goes on and on. This weekend, despite having eaten a Nutella sandwich earlier in the week, we decided to make Nutella ice cream. Or gelato. Whatever. I don't care. It was delish either way. I followed the Giada recipe except I didn't have whole milk, so I used 1 c cream, 1 c half and half, and 1 c skim milk. It came out v. v. creamy and luxurious.

1) I love my ice cream freezer. Here it is churning away.

2) I love ice cream period. This Nutella version was possibly one of the best ice creams I've ever had. The only way I'd improve it is to put some toasted almonds in it. THAT would be an unstoppable combo.


Mo said...

Okay, I really want some of that right now!

Unknown said...

Megan, you are my cinnamon roll hero!