So, after seeing leftovers of
Elle's fab chicken, I decided to go out on my own and prepare something resembling chicken cordon bleu. First, I mixed about 1/3 c of mayo, 1 tbsp of Dijon mustard, 1 finely minced garlic clove, salt, pepper, and about 1/2 c shredded swiss cheese. Then, I pounded flat two chicken breasts, laid slices of smoked ham on top, and spread on the swiss cheese mixture.

I then crushed about half a sleeve of faux Ritz crackers and placed in a bowl. The chicken was rolled up, floured, egged, and crackered, then fried in a bit of oil and butter until crisp and browned. The chicken was tossed in a 375 degree oven until cooked through (25 minutes?) and served with a fabulous (actually, kinda gross) Rice-a-Roni mixture and some green beans with red pepper and garlic.
Note to BC grads - anyone remember the Chicken Kiev or whatever it was called that was served in the dining halls that would literally shoot butter in your face when you sliced it?
i forgot about the chicken kiev. that was scary when it shot butter at you. i remember.
i still miss the chocolate chip brownies.
For what it's worth, the Chicken Kiev at the Science and Math cafeteria was legendary for its exploding abilities. We would occasionally steal them from the caf (it wasn't like anyone was going to eat them) and use them as little grease grenades.
Ah, high school.
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