Monday, April 10, 2006

Freakin' AMAZING pasta

Once again Giada does it. This weekend, R and I prepared her delicious Rigatoni with Steak Sauce. And no, that does not mean pasta smeared with A-1. It means pasta tossed in a delicious red wine, tomato, onion, garlic, and RIBEYE sauce. It was completely luscious, served with a salad and crusty garlic bread. I could have eaten 10 pounds of the stuff if that wouldn't have caused a major stomach upset.

Some tweaks I made:
1) I added sliced crimini mushrooms shortly after sweating the onions and carrots (and I halved the amount of carrots, as they upset R)
2) I used Barilla pasta sauce, which seemed a bit more acidic than I was looking for, so I added about a 1/2 tbsp of sugar and a pat of butter
3) I probably cooked the wine too long, thereby boiling it out of the recipe, so about 5 minutes before we ate, I added a hefty splash of wine to the sauce to give it a deeper flavor.

This was totally delicious, ribeye was the perfect cut for the dish, and I HIGHLY recommend it.

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