Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Eggs benedict

So, Mr. R roundly enjoys eggs benedict. Since we had a long weekend, I decided to try my hand at this dish, even though Hollandaise does little for me and I have egg issues anyway. I made the Hollandaise first (well, and by "made" I mean, failed at making).

First, I melted a stick of butter on the stove. Easy enough.

Meanwhile, I mixed what I thought was 1 1/2 egg yolks, some salt and pepper, in the blender. Gave it a little whirl. Then poured in the hot butter in a thin stream while blending. Then added a squirt of lemon.

The whole measuring eggs things came back to bite me - the sauce was too thin, too lemony, and just plain gross. Mr. R tried some on his eggs and didn't have a great report. Oh well.

Meanwhile, these are my first-ever poached eggs. Not too shabby?

I could only handle one egg at a time, maybe two, so the eggs that were cooked earlier went back into the water to heat up a tiny bit.

And the Canadian bacon and English muffins toasted in the oven (wow, a very international breakfast, no?)

Buttered muffin topped with bacon

and there's the eggs on top (with potatoes on the side). This was really quite tasty. Not my favorite breakfast ever (apart from the potatoes, those are always a favorite) but not too bad for a first effort.

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