First, my mirepoix plus garlic. I did have more onions, but I'd already put them in the pan before I took the picture.

Then, as so many of my recipes start, saute onions in a little olive oil. Plus a random carrot and some celery accidentally.

Meanwhile, I got 2 pounds of peeled, chopped Russet potatoes going in some salted water.

After 10 minutes, I added in the carrots and celery along with some salt and pepper.

Then two cloves of chopped garlic and a little over a pound of ground beef - this was actually a coarsely-ground chuck. When the beef was about halfway browned, I added some dried thyme and rosemary.

Once the beef is browned, I added in a heaping teaspoonful of tomato paste - I didn't want this tasting too "Italian-y" so I didn't want to overdo it on tomato flavor. And some lovely Worcestershire sauce - several good squirts. Then, I added about 1/4 c of flour, and let that cook for a bit. Then I poured in a cup of beef broth and let that simmer until thickened.

Meanwhile, the potatoes were done - time to mash with some butter, milk and grated cheddar.

Back in the other pan, I added in several handfuls of frozen peas and got those warmed through. Then it was time to assemble - ladle the stew into a casserole dish...

And top with mashed potatoes - I dragged a fork through the top of the potatoes for a decorative flair.

This tasted really good, even if it didn't look very pretty.

My only changes in the future - let the carrots and vegetables saute for a lot longer - they were a bit crunchy; add more peas (my mother was visiting, I didn't want to overdo it with green veggies); the ground beef was fine, but I know it would be super delicious with some leftover brisket or chuck roast; definitely let the potatoes get crispier on top BEFORE adding the cheese. This was a very good dinner though, and I look forward to making it again through the winter.
You have to try it with parsnips mashed into the potatoes too!
Parsnips are evil to me. They ruined a large batch of chicken stock with their bitterness. I'm not their friend just yet.
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