Friday, March 24, 2006

Things I Like list

Because I'm having such a totally shittah day at work and I hate the nursing lobby (I don't hate nurses, I hate the individual nurses they choose to have represent them at the state level for lobbying purposes), I've decided to try to cheer myself up by discussing some favorite foods of the moment for me. So he we go.

1) Little Debbie Zebra Cakes. Lovely creamy middle. Yellowy cake. Thin hard frosting exterior. Delicious.

2) Green vegetables, particulary broccoli. I don't eat it either as much as I should or as much as I'd like (R hates it with an unbelievable intensity, and so I tend to be lazy and not make 2 vegetables with dinners) but I really REALLY heart it. Perhaps I'll eat some tonight. The vitamin C will perk me up.

3) Diet A&W Root Beer. A beverage, not a food, but I still lurve it.

4) Egg rolls. They were a featured app at my wedding reception. I roundly enjoy most wrapper-type items stuffed with meat and/or vegetables. Spring rolls, wontons, potstickers, burritos...the list is really endless....HAGGIS is NOT on the list. A sheep stomach IS NOT a wrapper-type item. FYI. (See photo to left, courtesy of Wikipedia.)

5) Grilled cheese. I'm the master at preparing grilled cheese. No one can touch me. I LOOOOVE IT!

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