Miss Elle and I SLAMMED some
Cracker Barrel today. And I mean slammed it. It required a race against the clock south of town, screeching brakes into a parking spot, a race across the parking lot into the store, and a rush to the table to enjoy some downhome country chain store cookin'. I was already halfway out the door with the mention of Hash Brown Casserole, but the realization that fried okra was on the menu was as well had me grabbing my keys and signing out for lunch.
Elle and I both enjoyed "
Country Dinner Plates." Elle had grilled chicken tenderloins with ranch, which were delish. She had green beans (healthy) and HBC as sides. Also onion rings for a table side dish. I had ham (HAM!), HBC, and the previously-mentioned okra. We shared biscuits as well. Biscuits = love you know.
So delish.
The Cracker Barrel logo comes from the CB website. Please don't sue me.
We SO SLAMMED the CB Country Dinner Plates. I'm pretty sure the gay waiter was scared he'd lose a finger. A little girl kept staring. I laughed the entire way back to work. Am pretty sure HBC is laced with laughing pills, it makes you THAT happy.
OMG! We never even checked the "vegetable of the day!" What if it was something even MORE amazing...something we've never even HEARD of...what if it were like, cheesy broccoli...oh heavens...cheesy broccoli...
thank you, ladies, for the messages you left with my home answering service, julie's apartment line. disembodied voicemail lady was positively Giddy when she announced that i had two new messages.
i want some HBC.
actually, meg, your comment of "what if it's something we've never even HEARD of..." reminded me of this little gem, courtesy of imdb.com:
Therapist: Frank, this is a safe place. A place where we can feel free sharing our feelings. Think of my office as a nest in a tree of trust and understanding. We can say anything here.
Frank: Anything? Well, uh I guess I, deep down, am feeling a little confused. I mean, suddenly, you get married, and you're supposed to be this entirely different guy. I don't feel different. I mean, take yesterday for example. We were out at the Olive Garden for dinner, which was lovely. And uh, I happen to look over at a certain point during the meal and see a waitress taking an order, and I found myself wondering what color her underpants might be. Her panties. Uh, odds are they are probably basic white, cotton, underpants. But I sort of think well maybe they're silk panties, maybe it's a thong. Maybe it's something really cool that I don't even know about. You know, and uh, and I started feeling... what? what I thought we were in the trust tree in the nest, were we not?
You get me, J, you really really get me.
How in the hell did you get to a Cracker Barrel for lunch? Do you have a jet pack or something?
It's called a Civic my friend. A 2001 Honda Civic driven by a mad woman and a dream...a dream of fried okra...and HBC.
Also, R SHAMED me for the Cracker Barrel lunch. SHAMED me! SHAMED and CHASTISED ME! I think he is just jealous.
*WHY* were you shamed?
why being pronounced "ha-why." of course.
It was all in jest. I think he was sad to not be part of the agony (traffic, guy stealing parking space) and the ecstasy (HBC, okra, etc.)
*SIGH* The heat makes me crave the CB cherry pancakes, grilled chicken, reuben, onion rings, and sweet and sour dressing. Actually, so does the cold. Really it's all just craveable. Someday again we will relive the glory...the hope...the grandeur...
I can't wait till part 2 of the cracker barrel gluttony....
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