I instructed my lovely husband to prepare a meal of food for me on Saturday night to celebrate my birthday (a day late). We decided on crepes with a chicken/ham/mushroom filling, building off an Emeril
Here is a lonely little crepe in the pan.

And here the crepe joins all its crepe friends on the crepe plate

Meanwhile, R made a bechamel. Look at him!

Post-bechamel, he got some mushrooms and garlic and ham sizzling up.

Then mixed in the cooked chicken, stock, and cream.

Then he filled all the crepes with the lovely filling and squeezed them in the baking dish.

Hmm. What to do with this lovely pile of Gruyere??

And poured the now-cheesy bechamel over top.

And put the whole lot in the oven to bake.

And serve. And slam.
Hmn... not sure if it's as good as a bday meal at the Barrel, but I'll give Randy some credit!
Although how you could resist doing a few nutella crepes while you were at it is beyond me :)
We ran out of crepes!
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