Monday, March 31, 2008

Birthday gift of meat and cheese

Miss L gave me a glorious gift of meat and cheese from the lovely Usingers company, up in ol' Wisconsin.

Here we have the package, newly opened. Miss Daisy made short work of that wrapping paper the next day, FYI. Behold - three sausages - beef s'lami, beef summer sausage, and summer sausage of indeterminate meat source. I've tried the latter and it was delish. I've also wielded the handy knife!

And don't forget the cheese! Three kinds! I've only tried the cheddar, but I give it a loud HUZZAH! HUZZAH!

1 comment:

Jules said...

USINGERS ROCKS. and was down the street from my milwaukee office. i could see the sign from my cube window.