Anyways, I ended up with a half-bushel of apples, so now I'm finally getting around to doing something with them. I peeled/sliced/froze about 1/3 of the apples I picked, and I took another 8 of them last night and made applesauce. I wanted applesauce that was the same as the applesauce Miss M's mother had made on Saturday night because it was A-MAZ-ING! So, I did my best and it was pretty darn good, I must say.
First, 8 large apples were peeled and chopped and put into a pan with about a half inch of water. I had the heat on around medium to medium-high
After about 10 minutes, the apples were ROILING in the pan. So I turned it down a bit.
This was after 20 minutes - I decided that was long enough, they were very soft. I probably could have gone with 15 minutes.
Miss M's mother uses a food mill, but I don't have one, so I mashed the apples with a potato masher to get some good texture. I then added about 2/3 c brown sugar and close to 2 tsp cinnamon. I heart cinnamon.
And there you have it. There were still a few big lumps of apple, but they are soft, and I don't mind. It had good texture otherwise. And was VERY tasty - much better than jarred sauce. I cannot wait to serve it with pork this weekend!
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