I saw this
recipe on
Cookie Madness a week or so ago, and this is what prompted the latest round of Nutella-fever. They were our Easter dessert and I found them to be delicious, although, not particularly Nutella-y. I think the Frangelico is a key ingredient, or something else to amp up the hazelnut flavor. Will definitely use that in the future.
First, the crust must be prepared. My first recipe deviation, due to my inclinations towards a thicker crust, was to add 2 extra Oreos. I heart the chocolate Oreos, so I can't believe it would hurt.

I bashed them with a rolling pin, then sprinkled them into the baking dish. I decided to forgo lining the baking dish with foil because I'm lazy and I tend to have foil mishaps. Then, because I'm so used to baking off crusts for cheesecakes, I threw this in the preheating oven for 5 minutes before I realized the recipe didn't say to do that. I don't think it did any harm, but the recipe doesn't call for it.

I got to work on the filling - cream cheese, sour cream, NUTELLA, cocoa powder, vanilla, egg, egg white, and sugar. I was strangely out of brown sugar, so I amped up the white sugar. I needed to add a bit extra because I was using dark cocoa powder.

Then you pour the loveliness onto the crust and dot with chocolate chips. Ok, this picture makes the chocolate chips look sickly, but setting that aside, it does make for a nice finished product.

Bake at 325 degrees for 35-40 minutes, as the recipe states, mine took, well, I'm not sure how long because SOMEONE turned off the timer, and I was engrossed in an episode of
Down Home with the Neelys (my new fave Food Network show - they are SASSY!) and lost track and bit, and didn't want to OVERBAKE it, so I pulled it out, thus, the middle is, a bit moist, but in a pleasing way. It may in fact be perfectly done, I do not know. But anyone familiar with cheesecake baking will know the amount of jiggle that is acceptable. And here is our finished product - under the glaring light of a flash, but it was delightfully chocolatey (sadly, not so hazelnutty) and satisfying. Mmm.