Last night, R and I were very tired from a very busy weekend (I visited 3 states in a 24 hour period, although, Maine was an accident and only for about 20 seconds). We couldn't fathom running out to find food for dinner. We had purchased a packet of Nathan's hotdogs, because R was dancing around about how life alteringly good they were compared to a normal hotdog. We had leftover pizza dough from making pizzas last week. We looked at the hotdogs. Then the dough. Then back and forth again. An idea was slowly forming in our addled minds. GIANT PIGS IN BLANKETS!!!!!
We rolled out the pizza dough, threw on some cheese, wrapped up the hotdogs, threw them in a 400 degree oven for about 15-20 minutes. Throw in some cheesy potatoes and a slice of delish summer watermelon, and you get a tasty, if not odd, meal.
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