Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Leftover day

Not too much to report here - it is Leftover Tuesday! Not to be confused with Fat Tuesday or Good Friday or any other especially named day of the week.

So tonight's interesting meal with consist of leftover pulled pork from Sunday, chicken souvlaki from last night, and maybe a spoonful or two of chili I'm preparing for later dinners.

Chili is super simple, easy, etc. blah blah blah. All I do is:

Brown 1 lb of ground sirloin with one minced onion in a large soup pot. Drain if necessary, although there shouldn't be much liquid. Add one chopped pepper (optional), some salt, pepper, cayenne, cumin, and about a half-handful of chili powder. Stir and let the spices hit the head for a minute. Add one large can of diced tomatoes, a smaller can of crushed tomatoes (or any mixture of canned tomatoes, really), and heat throughly..let it cook for a while if you want. Before serving, I add kidney or black beans, or both, and let them heat through. Serve with cheese or sour cream (or tostitos if you aren't resisting their Siren call)...it freezes BEAUTIFULLY!


Jules said...

did it come from your the freezes beautifully section of your cookbook?

Wind Trapper said...

YES! You got the reference!! Way to go Annelle!