Tuesday, January 03, 2006

A new year, a new entry

Hello fair readers. So, I've not posted in quite a while - try, since before the engagement. Am clearly "engaged" elsewhere. Haha, a little pun for you.

Borrowing on the fabulous idea of coworker L, this is going to morph into a food column, including new recipes, ideas, and any other items that cross my mind. Until I inevitably lose interest again....

For those unaware, with the wedding rapidly approaching, I'm attempting the low carb lifestyle, at least for the next seven weeks. So the food chat will likely focus on that, with a few fantasy meals tossed in.

1 comment:

eirishis said...

you and me both, babe. the little lady carefully pointed out that my tux was fitted when i weighed 15 lbs less. sunuvabitch.