Back in December, while trolling the
Smitten Kitchen pages, I came across this recipe for
Austrian Raspberry Shortbread and was instantly intrigued. You make a shortbread dough and GRATE it? What what what? This was mystifying to me. I mean, I could see how it would work, I've made enough shortbread in my life to speak with a Scottish accent, but I just was very interested in trying out the recipe myself. Plus, I HEART linzer cookies and jam thumbprints with raspberry, so how could this be BAD?
Well, first off, I had to modify the recipe a bit because I was out of granulated sugar. So I went with powdered, but cut back a bit. I knew it would probably be ok because I use powdered sugar to make regular shortbread. I also had to simply decimate the dough in my food processor rather than grate into little threads because I couldn't find my grating disk (I need a new food processor anyway, this is a good excuse) and I couldn't face grating all that dough on a box grater. I'm too lazy. So, without further ado...

I didn't photograph mixing the dough, etc. That is rather dull. And I forgot. But here we have the bottom layer of crumbs and blobs of raspberry jam. I did heat up the jam for about 15 seconds in the microwave and just spoon it over the crumbs. I was then able to spread it with the back of the spoon. I picked up the occasional crumb, but it was ok.

Then I spread the rest of the crumbs over top and put in the oven.

Hot out of the oven! I sprinkled it liberally with powdered sugar. and into the laundry room to cool, away from Daisy's prying face, mouth, head, paws.

And there we go. A delicious, slightly crumbly dessert. This was quite tasty. I think the shredding would have made it come together a bit more, but it still held, as you can see, even with my food processing issues. Very light, much lighter than normal shortbread. Still with a delicious shortbread flavor. This is definitely a winner and may spur the purchase of a new processor!
1 comment:
It almost looks like shortbread cake... I'm intrigued.
And slightly disgusted that I am able to find a dessert appetizing after the stomachache I gave myself yesterday on sweets...
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