Monday, February 04, 2008

Super Bowl Snacking

Mmm. I love national events based around eating. Oh, and sports, I suppose. But really, I am not the one playing the sport, so I have to eat to support the players, right? RIGHT?

Anyways, last night we had a lovely spread featuring some chicken tenders with honey mustard, soft pretzels (from a box, I'm lazy, also with honey mustard), leftover onion rings, and some lovely taco/bean dip. Delish.
I won't bore you with the thrilling details of removing chicken tenders and pretzels from their freezer packages and placing them on baking sheets, etc. But the honey mustard is quite delish. A blob of mayo. A squirt of Dijon or yellow mustard. A squirt of whole grain mustard. Some salt and pepper. A TINY globule of honey. I mean tiny. I tend to over-honey at this point thinking that's all we need is honey. NO! A little honey goes a long way here. I mean, for this maybe? cup of honey mustard, I used less than a tsp of honey. Do NOT over honey it. DO NOT! Mix. Eat. Enjoy.

The taco dip comes by way of Miss M from Buffalo. With modifications of course, 'cause I can't leave anything alone. Cream cheese base. Chili beans (I use Bush's medium). I mix it with salsa, because I like the tomatoey twang. I believe she uses diced chilis. Then cheese on top. Bake until golden bubbly. THEN LET IT SIT FOR A FEW MINUTES.* Or else they'll name a ward at the burn unit after you. Serve with tortilla chips or whatever you'd like.

*I seem to be yelling a lot today. I had 3 glasses of sweet tea at lunch. There may or may not have been a Barrel run.


Jules said...

I love super bowl snacking. I ate large quantities of chicken wing dip last night. DIP.

Anonymous said...

you BETTER not have made a barrel run w/o me!!!

:( (sad face of me without warm biscuits)

Anonymous said...

And, yes, I'd agree... best part of major sporting events on television? the food you get to eat while watching.