Technically, I'm supposed to have the day off, yet I'm at work. Nonetheless, I took a somewhat leisurely approach to getting ready and allowed myself some tea and toast before getting a move on and hitting the road. Nothing is as soothing, I think, as sitting around in pajamas munching on cinnamon toast and sipping
tea while watching my latest DVR'd PBS broadcast of an Austen flick (this time, it's
Northanger Abbey). I must rave a bit about this bread from which I made my cinnamon toast, also. On a whim, I popped into a new bakery in town, the
Beehive Bread Company. It's a cute little bakery, full of light and glass, so you can see all the lovely bread and baked goods as you drive past. Especially if you are like me, driving past on a dark night and just veer off into their parking lot. I grabbed a loaf of their White bread (called Great White) and it was possibly the densest loaf of basic bread I've ever come across. I will admit that untoasted in a PBJ sandwich, it was a bit much. But toasted with butter, jam, or as featured, with cinnamon sugar, it became something altogether different - crunchy and satisfying.
A note on cinnamon toast. I love it. I do not love its
imposters. I will tolerate things like
Panera's Cinnamon Crunch bagels and
Pepperidge Farm Cinnamon Swirl Bread. But nothing beats good bread and good butter and good cinnamon sugar. However, when I was about 5 years old, I was not aware that SUGAR was an important ingredient to this mix. My mother was busy doing something else and was unable to assist me as I set about making breakfast. I put bread in the toaster. I found some butter or probably margarine. And I crawled up on the counter and dug from the spice cupboard the cinnamon. Cinnamon + toast = cinnamon toast, right? WRONG. VERY VERY WRONG. The first bite of toasted bread smeared with butter/margarine and plain cinnamon was, in a word, vile. I learned an important lesson that day.
1 comment:
Don't knock the Cinnamon Toast Crunch. It is in no way a replacement for Cinnamon Sugar Toast, I agree, but it is yummy in it's own way- as a super sugary way to start the day. I am especially fond of the cheaper Target brand.
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