Wednesday, January 16, 2008

My love affair...

Has begun with nuts. I don't know what my problem is lately, but I'm addicted to nuts. It doesn't matter if they are gourmet or just plain ol' Planters out of a vacuum-sealed can, but I love them. And to be honest, they aren't the worst snack in the world. Articles all over the place point to the healthy fats and proteins in nuts as a means to lower the risk of heart disease.* Much better than a sack of greasy chips, eh?

*Walnuts and almonds seem to earn the top kudos from health professionals, so don't start downing nuts of all varieties and declare yourself a health nut (haha, I made a pun! Am SO witty!) just yet.

1 comment:

Mo said...

Haha. You're addicted to nuts. You're dirty.