I must sing the praises of a new gadget purchased for me by my dear father as a Christmas gift. It is a gift of freshness. And fun, because it is really quite a fun gadget. It is the
Reynolds(r) Handi-Vac, and it is an inexpensive food sealer! It is super sweet! I think it retails for about $10 plus the cost of extra bags. You can reuse the bags, which is a big selling point. Yeah, it probably doesn't "suck" (haha) as hard as the expensive foodsavers do, but this is small and fun! I've been sealing foods like crazy. Leftover ham from Christmas? ZIIIIP! Sealed and in the freezer. Extra pork tenderloin? ditto. Same for pieces of cheese you want to keep fresh in your meat/cheese drawer. I bet you could even save nuts in your pantry this way. I wonder about spices...hmm...intriguing...
Val got me one of these too! They are amazing. :)
Hmn... not just shoving extra food into random containers and then performing risky science experiments to see if they're still edible? Interesting strategy.
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