We decided to postpone the chowder leftovers for later in the week in favor of making pizzas. As mentioned, I made dough on Monday. I again relied on an
Ina recipe, which can be found the
Barefoot Contessa Parties. I did have to use sugar to feed the yeast instead of honey (was out of honey) and to be honest, it seemed to make a nicer dough than the last time I made these pizzas. Normally, I love honey in doughs like this, but this dough was super soft, I just kept touching it. The dog was looking at me funny. Anyhow, getting back to cooking, I formed the dough into little dough blobs that were put in the fridge to hang out for a day or two.

The dough blobs were then forced to behave and form reasonably round pizza-shaped bottoms for our toppings. Toppings ranged from homemade
marinara* to pepperoni to roasted mushrooms to pesto to cheese....ok, yeah, they weren't THAT exotic, but whatever. It was Tuesday night in OUR house and WE'RE not that exotic. I mean, come on - government attorney and an accountant? Thrill a minute we are not. But I digress.

I heated the oven to 475 degrees and threw those bad boys in for about 12 minutes or so. Mine got a little crispy, as you can see at the right. Still tasted good, just a tad overdone. R gloated. His was a little paler, as seen below.
*I had a random zucchini in the fridge, so I ground that up in the sauce as well. You couldn't taste it. And I got more green veggies in R. Go me.
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