So, the chub is getting me down. Have decided I need to be both MORE active and LESS about butter in my life. I'm not going crazy folks. I will never be schmall. But I don't feel healthy anymore, so have decided that I will at least eat healthfully during the week, and can splurge a teeny bit on weekends. I've been living life like it's always the weekend for several months now, and it shows. Right above my waist...right can feel it. Sick.
For this week, my foods will be as follows (it's quite a bit as you see, but I've got a system)
1 container probiotic yogurt (blueberry)
1 packet low sugar oatmeal
1 sandwich with just meat and mustard on whole grain bread
1 apple
1 8 oz glass of milk
Up to 8 vanilla wafers (reduced fat) if I want them over the course of the day
Up to 6 reduced fat Triscuits with up to 1 1/2 oz cheese (Must get that 3rd serving of dairy), if I want it
Sensible dinners featuring lean meats and LOTS of vegs and a lot less carbs.
For example, tonight's sensible dinner will be Greek chicken in a pita pocket (half) with low fat (actually, no fat) tzatziki and salad. I will prob add a TEENY bit of feta for flavor - luckily feta has so much flavor a teeny bit goes a v. long way.
See, a lot of food. And still at least 1500 calories, more like 1800 prob. But combined with more doggie walking/jogging, I imagine I will at the very least starting FEELING healthier in a few weeks, even if my good friend Mr. Chub doesn't go away. And that's the important thing kids.
Don't fret, pets. I will still make yummy things, esp on the weekends. I just won't eat too much of them!