Ever since buying me a bunch of vanilla pods for my birthday, Mr. R has been dancing around about making homemade vanilla ice cream. So, we built off an Emeril
recipe and went about our business.
Here is the vanilla pod, bursting with scent and flavor, ready to be split.

Here is Mr. R splitting said pod. It was trickier than the chefs make it looks.

The innards of the pod, along with the hollowed out pod itself, were mixed in with the cream/milk/sugar mixture (we had cream and milk, instead of half 'n' half, sue me)

Once tempered, egg yolks were added until the mixture was thick enough to....

Coat the back of the spoon.

After spending several hours chilling in the fridge, the custard was poured in the ice cream maker and given its half-hour to freeze.

And there is the soft-serve consistency of the ice cream. It is now really an ice cream, not just a custard. Pretty tasty at this point.

It needed to be shown off a bit - so a fancy plate and some leftover
brownie from last week did the trick. Voila!
Homemade vanilla ice cream with homemade brownie? This falls under the category of food porn, too :)
That looks so amazingly amazingly delicious.
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